Holiday Giving Guide

This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Community.

Searching for the ideal gift this holiday season? Give the gift of community by donating to A Wider Circle on behalf of a loved one!

Your contribution, whether in the form of furniture, home essentials, career assistance, or neighborhood-based support, will have a major impact for those we serve, especially in these challenging economic times.

Simply choose one of the options below, and we’ll send you a card detailing the impact of your donation for you to present to your recipient. Alternatively, we can email your recipient to inform them of your thoughtful gift on their behalf.

Provide a month of essentials to 5 families | $40

For those served by our Ward 8 Hub, essential hygiene and cleaning products can be expensive, difficult to access, and not covered by SNAP (food stamp) benefits. $40 allows us to provide five families monthly market bags filled with these items.

Outfit a job seeker with professional clothing | $75

When visiting our Silver Spring Center, job seekers can work with a volunteer personal shopper to select outfits to wear to work or interviews. With a gift of $75, we can serve one job seeker, providing them with a week’s worth of clothing, free of charge.

Purchase a new twin bed for a child in need | $100

A bed is the number one item requested by those who call A Wider Circle for help. Before visiting us, many families we serve are sleeping on the floor. With a donation of $100, we are able to purchase a brand new twin bed for a child in need.

Give emergency support for a P2I family | $200

Many of those we serve are one emergency away from losing their home or livelihood. $200 can provide support for things like eviction prevention or medical expenses to a family enrolled in our long-term support program, P2I.

Provide ongoing support for a job seeker | $250

Our Career Support program provides holistic, strength-based support to job seekers. $250 allows us to provide a client with ongoing support via resume and job application assistance, interview prep, career counseling, and professional coaching.

Fund a recovery support  group meeting| $300

Residents we serve in Ward 8 report that substance addiction and overdose is one of the biggest issues faced by the community. $300 allows us to hold a session of our weekly Highland Recovery Group, facilitated by a trained addiction therapist.

Stock our Ward 8 Hub’s food pantry for a week| $400

In the Washington Highlands neighborhood, home of our Ward 8 Hub, 78% of residents experience food insecurity. The Hub’s food pantry serves 25-30 residents per day, and $400 can provide enough healthy nonperishable food to stock it for an entire week.

Fund a Career Support workshop | $500

A gift of $500 allows our Career Support team to provide a critical workshop on topics like interviewing skills, networking, or job search strategies. Group workshops are held both virtually and in person and focus on a strength-based approach to the career journey.

Furnish a home for a family in need | $1,000

Every year, A Wider Circle furnishes the homes of over 10,000 local families. A $1,000 donation allows us to provide beds, dressers, couches, dining sets, and more to a family transitioning out of homelessness, escaping domestic violence, or simply living without these essentials.

Fund deliveries for our most vulnerable clients | $2,000

The ability to transport furniture home from our Center is one of the biggest barriers to service for those who call us for help. A $2,000 gift allows us to deliver an entire home’s worth of furnishings to some of our most vulnerable neighbors, such as seniors or individuals with disabilities.

Sponsor a mobile clothing event | $2,500

Mobile professional clothing events allow us to transport work attire directly to those who need it. A gift of $2,500 allows us to transport clothing job fairs, training programs, partner organizations and agencies, and our Ward 8 Hub — serving an average of 30 individuals per event.

Underwrite a mattress giveaway event | $10,000

Each month, we host mattress giveaway events that serve 20-40 families with beds and mattresses, as well as clothing, household goods, and other community resources. With a generous gift of $10,000, you can underwrite an entire event, naming it in honor of your recipient.