
Neighbor to Neighbor Night

Thursday, October 5, 2023
6:30-9:00 pm
A Wider Circle’s Ann & Don Brown
Center for Community Service

Tickets: $200
Tables (10 seats): $1,750


Celebrating Our Circle of Community Champions

At A Wider Circle, we believe that in our region, we have enough resources to ensure that everyone has a bed on which to sleep, career and education opportunities, and communities with all the services needed to maintain stable, healthy lives. When we join together, Neighbor to Neighbor, we can achieve this goal.

On the evening of Thursday, October 5, 2023, we will gather at the Ann & Don Brown Center for Community Service to celebrate another year of service to our neighbors through our annual Neighbor to Neighbor Night! Join us for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, a seated dinner, an inspiring program, and a live auction, all while raising critical funds to support our work.

With help from our community of supporters, we can make a real difference, providing immediate and long-term support to those who turn to us for help. A Wider Circle walks alongside our neighbors on their journey to self-sufficiency — on a path paved by friends like you. Celebrate and support this work by joining us for Neighbor to Neighbor Night!

Please contact Carrie Smith at  csmith@awidercircle.org with any questions.

Thank you to our sponsors of Neighbor to Neighbor Night!






Help Us Help Our Neighbors