Amy Javaid

President & CEO

“Rising up is best done together. A Wider Circle’s collaborations with clients, volunteers, partner organizations and donors demonstrate its community commitment and belief in the power of many to improve the lives of all.”

Amy was named A Wider Circle’s President & CEO in July 2021, after having served as A Wider Circle’s Interim President & CEO since January 2021. She has been with the organization as a staff member since 2017, most recently serving as Senior Vice President, and spent many years prior as a volunteer. She has held many roles across several departments, including Workforce Development, Neighborhood Partnerships, and Development, and is honored to lead into the new era of A Wider Circle.

Amy offers close to 20 years experience working with non-profits in the U.S. and across the globe in project design, implementation, management and monitoring. Specifically she has led activities in workforce development, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS prevention. She has worked with an array of populations in need and is committed to engaging partners in the movement for greater equity and opportunity for all.

Amy can be contacted via email at