Adam Albanese

Senior Program Advisor

“When I was first introduced to A Wider Circle, I was immediately drawn to two words in particular: dignity and holistic. Work provides not just income but a sense of dignity, and unemployment (and underemployment) can feel like an absence of both. Only a holistic approach rooted in dignity can provide the meaningful support to end poverty and restore that sense of dignity and stability.”

Adam comes with a diverse set of experiences and expertise within the workforce development field, including: federal and state workforce policy, employer and industry engagement, apprenticeships and other work-based learning models, career pathways, adult education, and data collection and analysis to inform strategy and drive performance.

Adam earned his Master of Public Administration from Baruch College in New York City, and his bachelor’s degree from University of Maryland, College Park. He has focused primarily on workforce development and employment services in cities and metropolitan areas, with managerial, strategic, and on-the-ground experience in Newark, New Jersey and Greater Washington.